
White crystal chrysanthemum Learn more about White crystal chrysanthemum

  • How to plant white crystal chrysanthemum and its planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to plant white crystal chrysanthemum and its planting methods and matters needing attention

    White crystal chrysanthemum is a very common flower. Generally live in sunny fields, in fact, in the vast rural areas, white crystal chrysanthemum is very common, while in cities, people want to grow white crystal chrysanthemum can only rely on their own planting, when they go for an outing

    2020-11-08 White crystal chrysanthemum how planting method and matters needing attention
  • How to raise white chrysanthemum, how to raise white crystal chrysanthemum and matters needing attention / temperature control

    How to raise white chrysanthemum, how to raise white crystal chrysanthemum and matters needing attention / temperature control

    White crystal chrysanthemum is a kind of flower plant originally from Europe, which was introduced to China, and now it can be seen in many parts of our country. However, it is not easy to raise it well. There are many things we need to pay attention to. How to raise white chrysanthemum? What are the breeding methods and points for attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium?

  • Matters needing attention in the culture of white chrysanthemum

    Matters needing attention in the culture of white chrysanthemum

    1. Soil potted white crystal chrysanthemum is best to use loose, fertile sandy soil, its air permeability is good, more conducive to plant growth. two。 The suitable temperature for the growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium is 15 ℃-25 ℃. It is cold-resistant, but not heat-resistant. If it is lower than-5 ℃, it will frostbite the leaves, but the increase in temperature will not affect the growth.

  • The latest culture method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    The latest culture method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    White crystal chrysanthemum, also known as small white chrysanthemum, is a very small and lovely herbaceous flower. The whole plant of white crystal chrysanthemum is relatively small and can be used as ground cover flowers, and can also be used to decorate flower beds, courtyards and other places. Because the florescence of white crystal chrysanthemum is relatively early, it is cultivated in winter.

    2020-11-10 The latest Baijingju of breeding method also known as small
  • How to grow white chrysanthemum? the planting method / survival rate of white crystal chrysanthemum is as high as 90%.

    How to grow white chrysanthemum? the planting method / survival rate of white crystal chrysanthemum is as high as 90%.

    Among the breeding methods of white chrysanthemum, sowing is the main method. This method has been tested by countless people, but it still has a high survival rate. However, if we want to sow successfully, there are many points we need to pay attention to. How to grow white chrysanthemum? What is the planting method of white chrysanthemum?

  • How to water the white chrysanthemum and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

    How to water the white chrysanthemum and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

    White chrysanthemum is a very easy to feed plant, as long as there is plenty of sunshine can generally achieve better growth. How to water Baijing chrysanthemum? Breeding methods and matters needing attention: how to water white chrysanthemum: White crystal chrysanthemum has a long flowering period, which can bloom from winter to early summer, and the flowering period is from March to May.

  • What is the difference between white crystal chrysanthemum and daisy?

    What is the difference between white crystal chrysanthemum and daisy?

    What is the difference between white crystal chrysanthemum and daisy?

  • Culture methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Culture methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Culture methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium

  • Divination for love-- Baijingju

    Divination for love-- Baijingju

    White chrysanthemum, also known as small white chrysanthemum, is an annual or biennial herbaceous flower. Like a warm, humid and sunny environment. It is more resistant to cold and half shade. It is suitable to grow in loam with loose, fertile and good drainage. White crystal chrysanthemum is short and strong, multi-flowering, flowering.

  • [how to grow white chrysanthemum] the planting method of white crystal chrysanthemum

    [how to grow white chrysanthemum] the planting method of white crystal chrysanthemum

    [how to grow white chrysanthemum] the planting method of white crystal chrysanthemum

  • Cultivation method of potted white crystal chrysanthemum

    Cultivation method of potted white crystal chrysanthemum

    White crystal chrysanthemum likes sunny and cool environment, lack of light poor flowering. Cold tolerance, not high temperature tolerance, suitable temperature for growth is 15℃ to 25℃, flower bed cultivation above-5℃ can safely overwinter,-5℃ for a long time below the low temperature, leaves frozen, dry and yellow, when the temperature rises still sprout leaves, pregnant buds bloom

  • What does the difference between the latest crystal chrysanthemum and daisies mean?

    What does the difference between the latest crystal chrysanthemum and daisies mean?

    1. Introduction of differences. 1. Different families and genera: White crystal chrysanthemum and daisies belong to two plants of different genera in the same family, both of which belong to Compositae, but the former belongs to chrysanthemum and the latter belongs to daisies. This also brings a difference, that is, the former is an annual or biennial herb.

    2020-11-10 The latest Baijing chrysanthemum and daisies differences respectively representatives what
  • Introduction to the sowing and breeding method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Introduction to the sowing and breeding method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    White chrysanthemum likes sunny and cool environment, if the light is not enough, it will cause poor flowering. White crystal chrysanthemum is often used as annual or biennial herbaceous flowers, and artificial propagation is commonly used for sowing and reproduction.

  • How to understand the sowing, reproduction and nursing of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    How to understand the sowing, reproduction and nursing of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    White chrysanthemum is propagated by sowing, usually from September to October in autumn, and the suitable temperature for germination is 15 ℃ to 20 ℃. When sowing, after sowing, it is appropriate to use Reed curtain shade, not covered with film. Mix the seeds with a small amount of fine sand or cultivated soil.

  • How to maintain Baijingju in summer

    How to maintain Baijingju in summer

    Temperature Baijing chrysanthemum is more cold-resistant, but it can not stand high temperature weather. The most suitable growth temperature for Baijing chrysanthemum is 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. When it is hot in summer, the flowers of Baijing chrysanthemum will wither and fall, so you can put them in a ventilated and cool place. The soil white chrysanthemum is very adaptable, so, even if the soil is poor,

  • Planting method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Planting method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    1. Sow half of the culture soil in a transparent plastic cup, sprinkle the seeds evenly on the soil, do not cover the soil too deep, water thoroughly, cover it with a film, then move it to a cool place and germinate about a week later. two。 Raise seedlings in pot and wait until the seeds germinate, apply fertilizer or water a little to promote the growth of seedlings.

  • How to maintain white chrysanthemum?

    How to maintain white chrysanthemum?

    White chrysanthemum, also known as small white chrysanthemum, is a very small and lovely herbaceous flower. The whole plant of white chrysanthemum is relatively small and can be used as a ground cover flower to decorate flower beds, courtyards and other places. Let's take a look at it.

  • A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    The Chinese characters of green flowers, the number of the market is very small, the smell of flowers is strong, and the green stem and green flowers found in Tangkou. Leaf posture in the thin thick semi-vertical leaves (large plants are semi-drooping leaves) the posture is dark green and elegant. The flower volume three petals are horn daffodil petals, the color is clean and light green, the flower flesh is thick and soft, and the flower is more than two inches in diameter.

  • Cultivation and Management of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Cultivation and Management of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Basic information Latin name: chryanthemumparthenium alias: button chrysanthemum flower outline fragrant, about 45 cm high, with yellowish leaflets, flowers shaped like daisies. Distributed in the uncultivated areas of Eurasia where vegetation is flourishing. Eating small white chrysanthemum leaves can relieve headaches and migraines, but some people get blisters in the mouth after eating them. For fever, headache or general pain, it is safer to take whole plant soaking solution leaves. Mosquito bites can also be used.

  • What to do with the growing insects of white chrysanthemum? pest control of white chrysanthemum / 2 insect pests and 3 diseases

    What to do with the growing insects of white chrysanthemum? pest control of white chrysanthemum / 2 insect pests and 3 diseases

    In the growth process of Chrysanthemum morifolium, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests. This kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, which will not only affect its beautiful plant shape, but also lead to plant death if it is not treated in time. So what should I do if the white chrysanthemum grows worms? How to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests of Chrysanthemum morifolium
